
An upgradable establishment for small and average sized biogas facilities

Bilden visar Slingpumpen i en älv i Norrland

Picture showing trial- and testing facility Biosling 1 x 8 vindor at Alviksgården outside Luleå

Biogas is formed when oxygen-free decomposition of organic material takes place and is created in anaerobic decomposition facilities. The biogas contains methane and carbon dioxide and the gas can for example be burned and used as vehicular fuel and heating. Before the biogas can be used as a form of vehicular fuel it must be thoroughly cleaned from carbon dioxide so that the methane percentage increases to above 97%. As of today in Sweden there exists a number of large scaled communal facilities for cleaning of biogas but there is great potential for smaller establishments if upgradable facilities became less expensive to buy, run, and maintain.

Biosling is an upgradable facility for small and average sized biogas productions that cleans the biogas with water; this done in a more energy- & cost effective way than the already existing upgradable facilities.

Product Information

Biosling 2 x 8 vindor (ingår 16 vindor)

Biosling 2 x 8 coils (contains 16 coils)

Type: Biosling 1 x 8 (includes 8 st coils)
House: 2x container 20 foot (1 technical- and 1 tube room)
Weight: Approx: 10 ton (contains 2x containers 5,0 t)
Building surface: 6,0 x 5,0 m (contains 2x containers 20 feet)
Raw gas: 35 Nm3/h
Quality: >97% CH4


Type: Biosling 2 x 8 (includes 16 st coils)
House: 2x container 20 foot (1 technical- and 1 tube room)
Weight: Approx: 12 ton (contains 2x containers 7,0 and 5,0 t)
Building surface: 6,0 x 5,0 m (contains 2x containers 20 feet)
Raw gas: 70 Nm3/h
Quality: >97% CH4


Number of coils   8 16
Raw gas capacity/day 840 Nm3 1680 Nm3
Vehicular gas capacity/day ( 8 bars pressure ) > 97 % CH4(At 55%-65% CH4, 45%-35% CO2) 460-560 Nm3 920-1090 Nm3
Fits for farm with number of cows with milk including recruitment. OBS approx value. ca 250 cows ca 500 cows
Electricity usage kWh/day (rawgas: 65%-55%) 202-207 kWh 276-283 kWh
Electricity usage kWh/Nm3 (rawgas: 65%-55%) 0,37-0,44 kWh 0,26-0,30 kWh

* Nm3 = normal qubic meter at atmospheric pressure

You can also download our product information sheet, download product information sheet here

Interest-application: Go to contact-page to send us an interest-application.

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Biosling is a sales company with a main focus in marketing and sales of the self developed energy- and environmental products.

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